Your Work Stories

We welcome your work life stories. If you wish they can be unanimous. With your permission we will post them. The long term plan is to assemble them. Then in true oral history fashion, we’d like to publish them in an anthology. We will only publish stories in the anthology and mention names with permission from the authors. So, please submit your work stories in MS Word or PDF format. Specify whether you give permission to have your work posted on the website and in a future anthology and whether your name and other names should remain anonymous.
Please write your stories in 12 point font, with content of up to two letter sized pages with 1″ margins – top, bottom, and sides. Feel free to add a graphic or two if you wish. Please send to:

Work Story from Puliziotta’s Archives

I had asked for the opportunity to work at least twice a week from home. My second born, at six years old is growing up fast. I had hoped that unlike my now eight year old, this son would be able to see me more often. I have missed so much of my first child’s experiences. I don’t want to miss the soccer games, the school plays, the walks in the park. I work hard, long hours, I want to have the chance to see the world through my children’s eyes at least some of time. I work long hours during the week, and often on weekends. I explained to the company VP to whom I report that as the IT lead for my company I can do a lot offsite. I can work the same amount of hours, get my work done. Work life balance is paramount for me. I waited two weeks without a response. I approached to VP who said he had no answer yet. So disappointing… After 10 years with this company I have decided to look for another job.